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جمعية ديربورن ‏لمساعدة العائلات المحتاجة تقيم حفل إفطارها الأول

الجمعة 17 حزيران , 2016 04:48 بتوقيت مدينة بيروت - شاهده 10,809 زائر

جمعية ديربورن ‏لمساعدة العائلات المحتاجة تقيم حفل إفطارها الأول

‏أقامت جمعية ديربورن ‏لمساعدة العائلات المحتاجة، Dearborn Aid Committee, ‏حفل إفطارها الأول في قاعة بيبلوس. و الأرباح التي جنمعت من الإفطار ستوزع لدعم المحتاجين في المدينة.
‏تناوب على الكلام كل من مقدمة الحفل المدرسة زينب زريق التلميذ أحمد حمادي، و التلميذ خضر فرحات، و سماحة السيد حسن قزويني وكل من موسى دكروب و علي خريزات. 
و تشمل نشاطات هذه الجمعية الخيرية، التي أسسها طلاب جامعات، مساعدة عائلات عديدة في مدينة ديربورن.
اسماعيل جمعة - بنت جبيل.اورغ

The Dearborn Aid Committee is a local organization that was created by a group of College students in an effort to help the less fortunate in the Dearborn Community. What started as a student organization at Wayne State University known as the Detroit Helpers Committee (DHC), has now transformed into into the Dearborn Aid Committee in order to focus our efforts primarily in Dearborn. As the DHC, we set out on a mission known as Operation One Family as an attempt to help less fortunate families in our community. The operation has been extremely  successful and has now been in action for almost a year. We have had the blessing of changing the lives of three single mothers in our community by providing things for them such as food, clothes, shelter, furniture and most importantly moral support. All of this and more was accomplished solely by word of mouth and now we were looking to help more than the three families we are currently assisting because it is greatly needed. This is an issue that is unfortunately overlooked in our community and with community help we are hoping to raise awareness and funding for the cause so that no mother in our community has  to worry about how they will feed their children anymore.  All proceeds from tonight's dinner will help aid in supporting particular families this month. 

Today's dinner at Byblos banquet hall was made possible by the efforts of Fordson key club members with their advisor/teacher Ms. Zinab Zriek. Ahmad Hamade and Ali Khryazeit are the two founders of the organization "Dearborn AID committee " and former Fordson high  school students. The efforts combined led to a successful evening. Guest speakers were Khodr Farhat and Sayed Quzweni. Moussa Dakroub read a poem about Heroes, which was fitting for the occasion. Ahmad Hamade spoke about how the committee came about while Ali Khryazeit thanked the sponsors, while Ms. Zinab Zriek was the MC for the evening presenting the program speakers.

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