جائزة Pulitzer الأمريكية، تقدم في مجال الصحف والمجلات والصحافة الإلكترونية.. وفي عيدها الـ100 أقيمت مسابقة للشباب في مجال الصحافة على صعيد ولاية ميشيغن الأمريكية. وقد فازت بالمرتبة الأولى الطالبة الناشئة في مدرسة فوردسون في ديربورن نسرين سعد وهي من أصول لبنانية وذلك عن مقال بعنوان A Journalist’s Influence on Democratic Society وتم تكريم سعد مع طلاب آخرين في مدينة "لانسينغ" الاميركية و هي تعتبر عاصمة الولاية.
A Journalist’s Influence on Democratic Society
“The land of Opportunity” they call it, and they are right. Living in a democratic society is one of the most rewarding privileges a person can get. As a student who loves to express their thoughts through words, I believe that journalism has a huge role in a democratic society. Journalists have a power of shaping the public’s views and opening up their eyes to things they may have not noticed; it is their freedom of speech, and way of expressing themselves to the public. As Oscar Wilde once said, “We are dominated by Journalism. In America a president reigns for four years and journalism governs forever and ever.” This quote shows the major role journalism has had and will always have on society. For example, the incident of the Watergate scandal in 1970’s. The Watergate scandal was a top secret plan by the government that exposed U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. As President Johnson was assuring the public that he wouldn’t send troops to Vietnam, he was secretly provoking war (Lewis). This was all revealed to the public in a document called The Pentagon Papers. Without journalism people would have never known the truth about the war and their president. Journalism has given people the right to the truth and shifted their views on how credible the government really was. It is great that Americans are granted the right to know about scandalous government acts through journalism. Especially because other nations have death penalties to those who expose their governments. This really goes to show how much journalists are willing to give up to spread righteousness through journalism. A major event going on in our society today is presidential elections. Many people are wondering what is going on between presidential candidates this year and the distributed support they are getting. Media and journalists have a big role in what has been going on. This is due to the ideas of journalists like Megyn Kelly, who are bringing rationality to people and demanding the truth from the candidates. Her influence is helping people see who the presidents really are, and therefore shaping their opinions on who they feel is more qualified. It is astonishing to know that, in today’s society, our president is being determined by the influence of journalists on public opinion. Journalism has had a huge impact on our past and will continue to have a huge impact on our future too. It is amazing to know how much journalism really affects our society. From exposing scandalous government acts, to determining our future presidents, it has really done good to America. Journalism has true beauty and a great influence on democratic society.
Works Cited
Lewis, Charles. “’Kindred Souls’ Exposing Abuses of Power: Journalism in the
Information Age.”