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Qandil: Hariri, Jumblatt should get Lebanon out of vicious cycle they led the country into

الجمعة 28 آب , 2009 05:00 بتوقيت مدينة بيروت - شاهده 1,159 زائر

Qandil: Hariri, Jumblatt should get Lebanon out of vicious cycle they led the country into

Former MP Nasser Qandil said during a press conference on the fourth anniversary of his interrogation by the STL that Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt should inform the Lebanese of their “experience” with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), adding that it is their “duty to get the Lebanese out of the vicious cycle they led the country into.”

Qandil also said the April release of the four generals held on suspicions of being involved in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri proved the innocence of Syria and the “futility of the justifications used to govern Lebanon for the past four years.”

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