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FPM leader MP Michel Aoun, PM-designate Saad Hariri make statements after their meeting in Baabda

الإثنين 31 آب , 2009 12:00 بتوقيت مدينة بيروت - شاهده 1,256 زائر

FPM leader MP Michel Aoun, PM-designate Saad Hariri make statements after their meeting in Baabda

- The meeting was an ice breaker, and it helped launch dialogue on the cabinet formation. I will leave for few days, and some will follow up the issue on my behalf if necessary.
- Difficulties [regarding the cabinet formation] still exist.

- This was an to ice breaking meeting like the General said.
- I want to thank  the president for sponsoring the meeting. There are difficulties, but there is serious dialogue to conclude the government formation.

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