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Lebanese Immigrant went to pharmacies and shops in Lebanon and secretly paid off all the debts owed by people before going back to Australia

السبت 15 شباط , 2020 06:02 بتوقيت مدينة بيروت - شاهده 9,977 زائر

 Lebanese Immigrant went to pharmacies and shops in Lebanon and secretly paid off all the debts owed by people before going back to Australia

An Australian immigrant went to the pharmacies, shops, and butcher’s shop in his homeland country Lebanon and secretly paid off all the debts owed by people there. 

Given the difficult financial and economic conditions in Lebanon, a Lebanese businessman residing in Australia visited his homeland in North Lebanon and secretly paid off all the debts owed by the residents of his country in pharmacies, shops, and butcher’s shop.

This initiative surprised the residents considering it such a Nobel human behavior that showed the great love this man has for his country and its people despite the harshness of being an immigrant.

Translated by: Nourdan bazzi - Bintjbeil.org

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