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Wish Foundation Australia donated 90000$ to Banin Charity to be distributed as a support for families affected in Beirut Port Blast

الجمعة 28 آب , 2020 06:18 بتوقيت مدينة بيروت - شاهده 13,017 زائر

 Wish Foundation Australia donated 90000$ to Banin Charity to be distributed as a support for families affected in Beirut Port Blast

Banin and Bintjbeil website held a live broadcast with the journalist Samar Bou Khalil, where they were able to raise the funds needed to assist 1300 victims affected in the Beirut Port Blast. 

Wish foundation, in a direct call from its representative Mr. Hassan Ayache whereby he pledged that Wish foundation will be donating 90000$ fresh money to Banin Charity in order to be distributed 1000000 LBp to each family affected.

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